
The Miri clan, or even Miri family (for names, see the section " History ") is the German name for a mhallami -Lebanese communities, what is probably mainly based in Bremen; other areas of its occurrence are Essen and Berlin. The clan has characteristics of organized crime. Some family members operate protection rackets, drug and arms trafficking, or are active in red light districts, whereas others are well integrated.


In the 1980s came around 15,000 war refugees whose nationality could not be determined in part, from Lebanon. The families stayed mainly in the cities Berlin, Bremen and Essen.

According to the magazine Stern the Miri clan for 30 years exists in Germany. Of the estimated 2500 family members were about 1100 already entered in criminal phenomenon.

In Turkey, the Mhallami led Arab names that do not include last names in our mind. The introduced by Atatürk Turkish names were used only in dealing with Turkish authorities. In Lebanon, they used their Arabic names again. Since surnames are passed in Lebanon, but they added the name to a " clan name ", which was probably chosen mostly for a male ancestor or a specific traditional position of the family, place of origin or region. This was probably between 1925 and 1935. Equality or similarity of a surname does not necessarily mean that the families must be related to each other. The names were released rather after the entry into Lebanon, probably chosen guided by previously established members. It also happened that a male member of a family due to intra-family disputes grew their own family name and thus founded a new clan.

At least since 2004, also addressed the Commission organized crime from the Federal Criminal Police (BKA ) with the clan to which the extended family Miri counts, and criticized the failure of integration efforts in Germany. According to experts, the judiciary had hindered by misunderstanding of tolerance and forbearance, the dismantling of criminal structures.

Official figures of the Bremen State Council Matthias upsetting of according to the 2008 police have knowledge of about 1,400 family members, including their environment in Bremen, of which 440 are considered to be a suspect. Exact figures can not raise it, because relationships are unclear and were subject to the Privacy Policy. According to police spokesman Niels Matthiesen, however, lived in 2013 around 2600 clan members in Bremen, of which " half in the police computer due to significant offenses detected " is. This number is also called the star in an article from the year 2011.

The authorities were due to staff shortages often no longer able to pursue the crimes. The Bremen's Senator Ulrich Mäurer (SPD ) have been announced, according to Stern TV, a zero tolerance strategy, but since nothing was happening.

The police chief Holger Muench criticized the reporting of TV star as " sensational and inaccurate ." In Bremen, an action plan stop youth violence has been especially developed for high -risk families, which aims to juvenile offenders. Since 1400 people would expect of a family, one should " be careful not to make a whole family under suspicion, " so upsetting.

The actions of the police called a lawyer whose clients include members of the clan, as " dishonest ". He accused those responsible "on the basis of very dubious figures a campaign " to drive and urged social policy as "the best security policy " on. Spiegel Online quoted a BKA report, " prevented qua work ban on the inclusion" after the asylum seekers would. The law promotes such isolation. They formed " native village structures " after, had a very high proportion of illiterate and are therefore relatively sealed off.

Notable cases

A member of the family running the now banned in Bremen Chapter of the Mongols MC motorcycle club to which most members took up with a migration background. The Mongols fought in Bremen with the Hells Angels repeated violent clashes. Also, the interior minister Ulrich Mäurer has been criticized in this context not to have banned the Hells Angels. In contrast to this group, the Mongols had " prohibited grounds served on a silver platter ," said Mäurer.
