
Mirovia (of Russian мировой ( mirovoi ) - global) was a hypothetical, GLOBAL NETWORK primeval ocean, of the supercontinent Rodinia - surrounded in the era of the Neoproterozoic - 1100-800 mya ( million years ago ).

In Cryogenium - 750 mya - were Mirovia and most of Rodinias located around the South Pole and frozen to a depth of 2 km. Only part Rodinias - Gondwana - was äquatornah in Pan-African Ocean, and was not packed in the ice of the snowball Earth.

In the Ediacaran - 600 mya - when the fragments Rodinias drifted toward the north, and developed the macroscopic life slowly emerged from Mirovia the global ocean Panthalassa.

The Precambrian precursor Mirovias that surrounded the more or less hypothetical earlier supercontinents Columbia, Kenorland or even Ur is referred to in the geosciences with no own name.
