Mirror nuclei

Mirror nuclei nucleus pairs with reversed proton and neutron number. Therefore, they differ in the nuclear charge and thus represent two different chemical elements dar. mirror nuclei are a special case of the isobars.

Examples of mirror nuclei:

  • And even-even (ee ) nuclei
  • And odd -odd ( uu ) cores
  • And odd - even (ug) core and straight - odd ( gu ) Core

The mirror nuclei are interesting for comparative studies in nuclear physics. For example, the binding energies of mirror nuclei differ in the Bethe- Weizsäcker formula only by the Coulomb part, which can then be examined in isolation. At least one of the two mirror nuclei is always radioactive, in the odd-odd mirror nuclei both cores are always even radioactive. With the exception of the pair of 3H and 3He is always the core with the higher number of protons radioactive.
