Miso soup

Miso Soup (Japanese味噌 汁misoshiru ) is a Japanese national dish. The main condiments are dashi ( fish stock ) and miso ( soybean paste ). Solid components are eg small Tofustücke, Wakame ( thin green seaweed ) and green onions. Depending on the season the ingredients can vary, so sometimes fungi such as shiitake can be found in the soup.

Miso soup can be served as an appetizer or as part of the main course. In Japan, however it is primarily for traditional breakfast usual, where they will be served along with rice. However, nowadays preferably an increasing, though still small part of the Japanese western breakfast.

On New Year's miso soup is often enhanced by the addition of mochi ( rice cake), which simmered in the soup and be soft.

Miso soup is eaten in Japan very rarely with a spoon, but usually with chopsticks. The solid ingredients are eaten with chopsticks and drank the soup from the bowl.


After preparing the broth ( dashi ) and can boil the desired components is added at the end of the miso, approximately two tablespoons per liter of broth. For the miso does not clump, it is best first mixed in a ladle of broth and then put in the pot.

Is the miso stirred in the soup should not be boiled, otherwise the fine flavor is lost.

In many Asiashops there is the miso soup as instant powder or as a paste for mild bright and dark paste for spicy and tart taste.
