Missionaries of the Sacred Heart

The Congregation of the Sacred Heart Missionaries (Latin: Missionarii Sacratissimi Cordis, French Mission Aires du Sacré - Cœur ( de Jésus ), religious symbol MSC) was founded in 1854 by Fr Jules Chevalier in Issoudun, diocese of Bourges, France. The founders saw that symbol that tells the people in the heart of Jesus: " God loves the people and the world and wants the people love one another as He has loved us in Jesus. " Therefore also means the school profile: "Sensitive to for God, the dignity and vocation as well as for the others, especially the weak. "

History and distribution

Today the community consists of about 1,800 worldwide priests, brothers and novices. They work in 53 countries on all continents. Your central line, the Generalate is in Rome, the founding place Issoudun in Bourges is a famous pilgrimage and a global training center of the MSC.

The Sacred Heart Missionaries of the North German province known in the seat of the Provinzialates in Hiltrup in Münster as " Hiltruper missionaries ". Here they established in 1897 a grammar school which bears the name of Cardinal von Galen Gymnasium since 1946. With over 1,000 students, it is one of the largest schools of the Diocese of Münster.

The Sacred Heart Missionaries of South German - Austrian province with its center in the district of Salzburg Liefering lead schools, homes, boarding schools, houses of contemplation, parishes and work in the mission in Congo and Brazil. Particularly renowned houses of the Sacred Heart Missionaries are the boarding Holy Cross in Donauwörth that is visited as his boys junior high school students from all over Germany, and the private high school in Liefering.

1956 was founded by the Sacred Heart missionary Father Christian Moser of the Nuns of the Missionaries of Christ.

Superiors General

  • Jules Chevalier (1869 - 1901)
  • Arthur Lanctin (1901 - 1905)
  • Eugène Meyer (1905 - 1920)
  • Adrianus Brocken (1920 - 1932)
  • Christianus Janssen (1932 - 1947)
  • Patrick McCabe (1947 - 1958)
  • Jozef Van Kerckhoven (1958 - 1969)
  • J. Eugene Cuskelly (1969 - 1981)
  • Cornelis Brown (1981 - 1993)
  • Michael Curran (1993 - 2005)
  • Mark McDonald ( since 2005)