
Mittaggüpfi (right top ) and Stäfeliflue (left top ), front Oberalp with former Lake Pilatus

The Mittaggüpfi ( 1'916, 6 m above sea level. M., also Gnepf or Gnapfstein ) is a summit of Mount Pilatus mountain range in the Emmental Alps on the border between the Canton of Obwalden and Lucerne, Switzerland.


The Mittaggüpfi is both Southeast ( Lütoldsmatt, 2 ½ hours) from northwest ( Stäfeli, 1 ½ hours ) and from northeast (own valley, about 2 ½ hours ) easily accessible. The summit provides a central station of the popular ridge walk from Pilatus Kulm dar. to Risetenstock Since you mostly located on this trail on the ridge height, there are many keen insights and a comprehensive view into the Swiss Plateau and the Alps. In winter ascent of relatively far -back summit in the Pilatus chain is often associated with the visit of the Aries field ( rise of Alpnach, or Lütoldsmatt ).


The name Mittaggüpfi probably built in the area of ​​Eigentals. Here, the summit serves as lunch point, that is, it denotes the center of the daily routine, the time of the midday meal and the sky to the south.

Previously called Mittaggüpfi Oberalpgupf or Gnepfenstein. On the hilltop is a so-called Gnappstein to ( pierre branlante ) have found ( gnepfender, gnappender, swaying stone). This is partly associated with a Celtic mountain cult. A flash is according to tradition, the stone tablet have split and let it fall into the abyss. When Christianity in the region found its way, the priesthood had a lot to fight against the non- soft ending pagan customs. It is believed that they brought the legend of Pontius Pilate, with the disastrous birthing Pilatus in conjunction to make the place into a strictly -avoiding place. Until the 1594 visit to the lake and the Pilatus Mittaggüpfis by the authorities was forbidden.

Another interpretation sees the word " Gnepf, Gnäpf " a predecessor of " bowl ". Thus, the cone shape of the same " Gnäpf ( stone ) " and the mountain nearby well of both the wooden funnel ( = well), to use the Alpsennen the Betruf as a megaphone.


The Mittagsgüpfi shows at its northern slope of the sub-alpine flysch zone ( area dry Matt saddle ) from a simple layer sequence, which is structured like steps on the hardness of the rock. The Valangienkalk, here the oldest layer member, rests with a sharp thrust on the flysch. It follows the simple sequence of layers ( siliceous limestone, Drusbergschichten, Schrattenkalk, Eozänbildungen ) which further sweeps east to the Klimsenhorn. The summit area is built up by the Hohgant ( Eocene ). The layer sequence falls towards the south, a relatively flat and shows slight Verfaltungen, for t linked to fractures. From the southernmost fold ( Längenschwandgrat: Hohgant ) towards the east can be seen the Südkette of Pilate massif ( Matt Horn vault ). South then lays down on the city shale finally the mighty Schlierenflyschmasse.
