
Hatsumiyamairi (Japanese初 宮参り) or Hatsumiyamōde (初 宫 诣, both German "first Shrine visit " ) or simply ( O ) Miyamairi ( (お)宮参り, " Shrine visit " ) referred to Shinto the first visit of a newborn in a Shinto shrine.

Traditionally brings a female family member (usually accompanied by another female member of the family, although in modern times often the parents exercising this function ) the newborn to the nearest shrine. The local kami ( often the Ujigami the family) is the tutelary deity of the child who is in the same train to a parishioner of the Shrine.

The Hatsumiyamairi takes place for male newborns on the 32nd day, for female on day 33 after birth. The ceremony is the first Shinto ceremony of initiation in one's life.
