Mizque Province

-18- 66Koordinaten: 18 ° 0 ' S, 66 ° 0' W

Mizque is one of sixteen provinces in the central southern part of the Bolivian department of Cochabamba. " Mizqui " is a Quechua word meaning " sweet, mild".


The province is located on the plateaus between the Bolivian Cordillera Oriental and Cordillera Central and extends to the south to the Rio Grande. It is bounded on the northwest by the province Punata, on the west by the province of Esteban Arce, on the southwest by the Potosí Department in the south east of the province Campero, in the north- east by the province Carrasco, and to the north by the province Arani.

The province extends approximately between 17 ° 41 'and 18 ° 25' south latitude and 65 ° 40 ' and 66 ° 16 ' west longitude, its extent from east to west is 60 kilometers from north to south, 90 km.


Average temperature 16 to 18 ° C in the valley, cooler in the mountains; 300 to 700 mm rainfall, rainy season from December to March


Agriculture is the main industry. Main crops are: potatoes, corn, wheat, barley, peanuts, onions, recently also carrots.

According to statistics from the Food and Agriculture Organization ( FAO) is the income of Mizqueos, ie the inhabitants of the province, at around 1100 U.S. $ per capita per year, at the same time about two-thirds very poor and almost half are illiterate.

At least in terms of income considerable doubt must be logged in as a family of 5 would earn as over U.S. $ 5000, which could be the case in the best case for a few families. For example, a teacher earns less than 200 U.S. $ per month, an agronomist U.S. $ 300, individuals may come to little more. Maybe press the mines of Vila Vila average earnings in the air.


The population of the province Mizque has risen in the past two decades by nearly a third, however, has stagnated recently:

43.5 percent of the population are younger than 15 years, the literacy rate in the province is 52.2 percent. (1992)

Only 37.3 percent of the population speak Spanish, 95.0 percent Quechua, Aymara and 0.9 percent. (1992)

94.3 percent of the population have no access to electricity, 95.0 percent have no sanitary facilities (1992).

90.8 percent of the population are Catholics, 5.0 percent are Protestant (1992).


The Mizque province is divided into three Municipalities:

  • Municipio Alalay - 4,931 inhabitants ( 2001 census )
  • Municipio Mizque - 26 659 inhabitants
  • The municipality of Vila Vila - 4,591 inhabitants