Mlada (abbess)

Mlada was a Benedictine nun, abbess, and founder of the first monastery in Bohemia. She made 965 a diplomatic trip to Rome and was instrumental in the creation of the diocese of Prague.


Mlada was the youngest daughter of the Bohemian Prince Boleslav I. The Chronica Boemorum she describes as an educated woman; she had learned Latin and was intended for a clerical career. In the years 965-969 she sent her father to Rome with Pope John XIII. to ask for permission for establishment of a separate diocese for Bohemia and Moravia. The negotiations were tough. Bohemia belonged to the diocese of Regensburg and Bishop Michael refused until his death on September 23, 972 to forego the revenue from the Bohemian churches. The consent granted until his successor Wolfgang. Mlada could leave 972 Rome in the winter and return to Prague. The ecclesiastical permission followed secular negotiations. After the national assembly had decided in Quedlinburg in March 973 the bishopric founded, it took another three years, was ordained to 976 Thietmar for the first Bishop of Prague.

As a second result of the diplomatic mission Mlada received papal permission to found a monastery. During her stay in Rome she had entered the Benedictine Order, had assumed the religious name Mary, and was ordained to the abbess. So they could take over the management of the newly founded abbey of St. George's Church in Prague Castle, the first religious community in Bohemia at all. This office provided them until her death.

Contemporary sources provide neither the birth nor the date of death Mladas. The oft-quoted statement that she died on February 9, 994, comes from the Jesuit Georgio Crugerio from 1669 and takes up the tradition of the monastery on. Official status as a saint or blessed reached the Benedictine Monastery of St. George of the founder not, it is therefore referred to as " venerable ". Her grave is located in St. Mary's Chapel of the former George monastery. The archaeological investigation, however, has been unable to prove beyond doubt the identity of the person buried there with Abbess Mlada.

Literature and sources

  • Cosmas of Prague: Chronica Boemorum. In the edition of Bretholz Berthold, Berlin, 1923. MGH SS rer. Germ. N. S
  • Jiří Sláma: Výkladový heslář vybraných historických osob, míst a reálií. In: Rostislav Nový, Jiří Sláma, Jana Zachová: Slavníkovci ve středověkém písemnictví. Prague, Vysehrad Castle, 1987
  • Petr summer: Kaple Panny Marie v Klášteře sv. Jiří na Pražském Hradě a začátky české sakrální architektury. In: Přemyslovský Stat kolem roku 1000: na pamet knížete Boleslava II ( 7 února 999). Praha, Nakl. Lidové noviny, 2000. ISBN 80-7106-272-3