MOD (file format)

Template: Infobox file format / Maintenance / MIME missing template: Infobox file format / Maintenance / Magic number is missing template: Infobox file format / Maintenance / default missing template: Infobox file format / Maintenance / missing site

Mod ( Derived from the file extension. Mod for module ) is the first tracker module format. It was introduced with the Protracker, a clone / variant of Ultimate Sound Tracker by Karsten Obarski, on the home computer Commodore Amiga 1991. He was matched to the capabilities of the Amiga sound chip Paula. It supports 4 tracks ( output channels of Audiocoprozessors ) and 31 ( originally only 15 on the Ultimate Soundtracker ) samples with 8-bit sample depth ( processing of Audiocoprozessors ) and note spacing of at least 0.02 seconds (due to the synchronization with the vertical blanking interval of 50 Hz ).

Pictures of MOD (file format)
