
The programming language Modula-2 is an extension of Modula -2. The development was in Palo Alto, California on SRC. Modula - 2 Modula-2 with extensions exception handling and activity support. The management of the Group in the development of the programming language had Paul Rovner.

Extensions in Modula -2 :

  • Concurrency
  • Exception Handling
  • Automatic garbage collection


Modula-2 , was used for the programming of topaz, the distributed operating system for the SRC firefly multiprocessor workstation. Most applications of Topaz were programmed in Modula -2 . The extension of the language took place with the development of the system. The language is today without practical relevance, but had great influence on other languages ​​, such as Modula - third

With the acquisition of the DEC the development of Modula -2 went to the company Compaq. The company Hewlett -Packard Compaq finally took over and made the SRC reports publicly available.
