Mohamed Rabbae

Mohamed Rabbae ( born March 8, 1941 in Berrechid, Morocco) is a Dutch politician and political activist of Moroccan descent.

Curriculum vitae

In 1966, the philosophy student Rabbae from Morocco fled to the Netherlands; activists were persecuted against the regime of King Hassan II at this time in the North African country, and Rabbae, a member of a socialist student movement was, was afraid to be arrested as well.

In the Netherlands he completed a degree in Economics in Amsterdam. Subsequently, he worked as a laborer in a canning factory and a salesman in a department store operates. At the time he was also involved in various actions for the rights of foreigners, including the incident to the 182 so-called " church Moroccans " ( kerkmarokkanen ), which were threatened by a failed asylum application by the then Justice Secretary Elberta hair of deportation. Beginning of the 80s he became director of the Foundation foreigners West Brabant from 1983 to 1994 he was director of the Dutch Centre for Foreigners (Nederlands Centrum Buitenlanders, NCB).

In 1994 he became a member of the Second Chamber of the Dutch Parliament for the party Groen Links. He was elected to the parliamentary elections of 1994, in an internal referendum together with Ina Brouwer to double the party leadership. During the election campaign, an interview was published with it in the NRC Handelsblad, in which he stated that he had sympathy for people who want to ban the book The Satanic Verses by Salman Rushdie. The democratic experiment is to ban such a book, according to him " the better way than that of Khomeini and other sinister powers."
