Mohana (Sindhi tribe)

The Mohana are a small nation on Manchar Lake in Sindh province in Pakistan.

Way of life

The Mohana live on houseboats on the Manchar Lake, the largest lake with over 250 square kilometers of Pakistan. Their traditional livelihood is fishing. The fishing people of Mohana has developed some specially adapted to its habitat techniques, the camouflaged hunting by means of reeds or on the head placed pelicans.

Natural disasters have decimated the fish population, which is why the Mohana now increasingly resort to catching coots - the only birds that are in the Mohana on the menu.

To form the Mohanakinder includes the birdsong imitation, as required under applicable test, they are included in the group of adults.

Effluents and pesticides from agriculture pollute the Manchar Lake, persistent droughts dry out him. Due to this destruction of their main livelihood, the number of Mohana has already dropped from 60,000 to about 25,000.

  • Ethnicity in Pakistan