
Fossil reconstruction of Monolophosaurus jiangi

  • Shishugou formation Qigu group, Junggar Basin, Xinjiang, China
  • Monolophosaurus jiangi

Monolophosaurus was a theropod dinosaur, which discovered in rocks from the Shsishugou formation in the Chinese province of Xinjiang and was described in 1994 by Currie and Zhao. Until his description he was known under the generic name Jiangjunmiaosaurus.

Monolophosaurus belongs systematically seen to Tetanurae and lived millions of years ago about 166-157 in the late Middle and early Upper Jurassic. The biped is ( bipedal ) Locomotive lizards Beck dinosaur was carnivorous (meat -eaters ). The length of the theropod was about 5 meters, the weight is estimated to be around 800 kilograms.

A typical feature of Monolophosaurus was a single comb, who was on his head. After this, the dinosaur was named: The German translation of Monolophosaurus means literally "lizard with a comb ".

Since the environment of the occurrence of the nearly complete skeleton of Monolophosaurus during the Mesozoic was very rich in water, it is assumed that the theropod mostly near water was staying ( for example, on the shores of lakes or rivers ).

