Monopod (creature)

Skiapoden ( Schattenfüßler, AltGr. Σκιας (shadow ) and πους (feet) ) are mythical creatures of human shape, but with only one leg. With this, they should be able to run at lightning speed. Your giant foot hold while lying sun protection over them.

Skiapoden were mentioned, among others, Hecataeus of Miletus; Thus they lived in Libya. Even Pliny the Elder ( Naturalis historia 7, 2) and Ctesias of Cnidus were in their works from the existence of the Skiapoden, but they settled in India. Augustine also mentioned in De Civitate Dei their existence. They were not mentioned in literary works until the 16th century and again. In the recent literature, they rarely occur in fantastic novels, as in CS Lewis' The Voyage of the Dawn and Umberto Eco Baudolino.


A Skiapod in the series Monster in My Pocket # 94 Figure

  • Mythical Creatures