Monte Sereno, California

Santa Clara County


Monte Sereno is a settlement in Santa Clara County in the U.S. state of California, with 3,300 inhabitants ( 2010). The settlement area covers an area of ​​little more than four square kilometers. The settlement is located in the so-called Santa Clara Valley, which extends south of the bay of San Francisco. About 16 kilometers north-east from the bustling city of San José, to which there are several road links.


The census of 2010 showed a total resident population of 3,341. Of this amount, 80.8 percent White, 0.4 percent African-Americans, also 0.4 per cent to indianischstämmige citizens, 13.9 percent of Asians and 4.8 percent Hispanics. The rest is distributed to other breeds. Unlike many other places in California, the population of Monte Sereno within a decade, little has changed. In 2000 registered a population of 3,481 as part of that census, which even by 2010, a slight decrease was registered. The number of households was the census from 2010 to 1211. For every 100 females 94.2 males. With a median age of around 48 years, this was well above the U.S. Durchscnitt as well as the average of the State of California.
