Monteiro's Hornbill

Monteiro - Toko ( Tockus monteiri )

The Monteiro - Toko ( Tockus monteiri ) is an African bird that belongs to the hornbills ( Bucerotidae ).


The Monteiro - Toko is a medium sized bird with a body length of 54-58 cm, white belly, black back and bright spots on the wings. The long black tail has white outer feathers. The beak is red and the eyes are black. The females are smaller and can be recognized by their turquoise facial skin.


The Monteiro - Toko lives in savannas and dry thorn fields and occurs only in central and northwestern Namibia and southwestern Angola with approximately 340 000 birds before.


Unlike other members of the genus Tockus which are omnivores, the Monteiro - Toko feeds exclusively on insects and small arthropods.


In spring, the Monteiro - tokos migrate into the region south of Windhoek to breed. Through their adaptation to the dry habitat for them is not vital drinking. After a good rainy season they lay three to five eggs in rocks or tree hollows, which are incubated for 45 days.
