
Under Moonshine is (often domestic ) understood the manufacture of the illegal spirits. It will secretly operated a plant for the liquor burning. In the U.S., black burned spirits are called Moonshine. This name comes from the prohibition era, while the bootleggers at night burned their alcohol in the rural areas. This enabled them to the hidden distilleries hide from the Prohibition agent.

In many countries, the private production of spirits is prohibited without permission or is unannounced breach of liquor tax laws dar. Moonshine is traditionally available just in agricultural regions. An incentive for illegal distillery, high taxes and high prices as in the Scandinavian countries or alcohol prohibitions represent.

In Germany, under the law of Branntweinmonopols the manufacture of spirits (burning ) and the custody of combustion appliances registration and subject to monitoring, he performed in equipped with burn rights bonded distilleries or after the process of the distillery.

Customs Technically, a distinction in Germany between black and secret distillery distillery:
