Mora (linguistics)

The Mora or More ( Latin mora, period ') is a unit in phonology for syllable weight.

A More corresponds to an open syllable with a short vowel or a short vowel with at most one subsequent consonants. Syllables with a long vowel or a short vowel and consonants are several " zweimorig ", that include two moras.

Moren in the classical metric

In classical metric ( prosody ) the term stands for the smallest possible time unit with respect Verstakt and syllable duration. In the case of syllable duration it comes to different applications because of the syllable rhyme represents the actual measure of the syllable duration ( syllable quantity).

Moren in Japanese

The Japanese language is known for its mori between qualities. Most dialects (including the high-level language ) use Moren instead of syllables as a unit of its sound system. Thus, the famous haiku not as is often assumed from 5, 7, and 5 syllables, but from 5, 7, and 5 moras. If one examines the Japanese vocabulary with regard to how often use words that consist of a different number of moras, so you get the 1- shifted binomial distribution, which provides a good model for such a survey. The result of the investigation is presented in the article law of distribution of word lengths.
