Mora Romagnola

Mora Romagna is an Italian breed of pig, whose home region is the Emilia -Romagna. There it is kept particularly in the provinces of Forli- Cesena and Ravenna. Originally there were three versions of the Mora Romagnala - pig: the Forlivese, with blackish skin and slightly brighter spots in the abdominal area, the Faentina with bright red back and there drawn less black and the Riminese with reddish back and a white front and sometimes a bright belt.


The Mora Romagna stands next to a dark coloration of the skin, by a long head with a very pointed snout out. The forward-facing eyes and ears covered snout. On the line of the vertebrae to the pelvis, the male specimens wear long and thick bristles. The bodies of the pigs have built long and low. The race, which is held in the open air, shows a slow growth, so as to reach their slaughter weight of 180 up to 200 kg in only two years of life.


To prepare the culatello ( small butt ), the lobes of the Mora Romagna and racial Nero di Parma, also called Nera Parmigiana, stuffed after slaughter without femur in a perforated pig's bladder and rubbed with garlic, red wine, salt and pepper. During the following 14 months long maturation process, the Cola setting must be maintained, that is, the resulting white mold is washed away and there are the aforementioned spices rubbed again. The mold is caused by the extremely high humidity in the summer of criss-crossed by rivers and canals landscape of the Po Valley. In winter, the storage takes place in protected, but traversed by air spaces. By the surface of noble mold culatello takes a special taste.

As the number of Culatelli produced a year in comparison to the millions of Parma ham is very low, the price of the delicacy is very high.
