
Morgenthaler is a family name from the German-speaking countries.


The family name Morgenthaler was probably from the description of the place of origin of persons, with the th was preserved from the old spelling of the word valley. Taking into account the distribution of the name in Europe and internationally, and the Swiss towns where people with the family name Morgenthaler have their origin, it can be concluded on a name creation in Switzerland (regions Emmental, Upper Aargau Aargau ) or in southern Germany Rhineland. In the canton of Valais, there is the Morgetal after the river Morge.


The name is mainly in Switzerland ( with an accumulation in the cantons of Bern and Aargau) in Germany spread ( with an accumulation in the southern German Rhineland ). Through emigration also spread in France, the U.S. and other countries is possible.


Bearers of the name

  • Anders Morgenthaler, Danish cartoonist and filmmaker
  • Andrea Morgenthaler ( b. 1957 ), German film director and screenwriter
  • Bernhard Morgenthaler (* 1987), Austrian football player
  • Christoph Morgenthaler ( b. 1946 ), Swiss Reformed theologian, psychologist and university teachers
  • Clemens Morgenthaler, German bass - baritone
  • Ernst Morgenthaler (1887-1962), Swiss painter, husband of Sasha Morgenthaler
  • Fritz Morgenthaler (1919-1984), Swiss physician, psychoanalyst, anthropologist and artist
  • Hans Morgenthaler (1890-1928), Swiss poet
  • Hans Morgenthaler ( politician ) ( 1916-1993 ), Swiss politician (BGB )
  • Hans Morgenthaler ( b. 1944 ), German writer
  • Max Morgenthaler (1901-1980), food chemist, developed with his research team for Nestlé water-soluble instant coffee
  • Otto Morgenthaler (1886-1973), Swiss bee researcher
  • Patricia Morgenthaler ( b. 1972 ), German designer and non-fiction writer
  • Robert Morgenthaler ( b. 1952 ), Swiss jazz musicians
  • Sasha Morgenthaler (1893-1975), graphic artist, painter, creator of Sasha Dolls
  • Walter Morgenthaler (1882-1965), Swiss psychiatrist
  • Wendelin Morgenthaler (1888-1963), German politician ( CDU)