
Morgunblaðið ( German: The Morning Journal) is published in a daily newspaper Iceland. It was founded by Vilhjálmur Finsen and first published on 2 November 1913.

The first edition consisted of only eight pages. Six years after its founding, in 1919, the newspaper of Árvakur was purchased. Morgunblaðið maintained close ties to the Independence Party, particularly during the Cold War. It was common for journalists from the newspaper attended the meetings of the party. It was not until 1983, when Geir Hallgrímsson was both Chairman of the Party and Chairman of the Board of Árvakur, it was recognized that this combination was not the best of the party and the company. Today, the compound is less tight, but there is some correlation can still be recognized and criticized by other media and the public.

Since the first editions Morgunblaðið has traditionally not sold on Mondays. The sheet was always number one in Iceland, particularly since the 1970s, it was the undisputed market leader. The newspaper has produced a number of special issues, finance, fisheries and food sectors. Only the free Fréttablaðið brought the competition to a new dimension, as it also published a Monday edition. Also the Morgunblaðið is therefore published since 2003 every day of the week, depending on the week with a thickness between 60 and 120 pages. Approximately 30 - 40 % of the area occupied by advertising. The rest is about 50000-55000 pieces, most of which is sold through paid subscriptions. Most readers are located in the Capital Region Reykjavík in southwest Iceland.

The facsimile editions of appearance the beginning of 1913 to 2000 are freely available in digital form.

After September 2009, the former Icelandic Prime Minister Oddsson Davíð and Haraldur Johannessen took over the editorship of the newspaper, the number of subscribers declined sharply. The choice of Davíð Oddsson as editor in chief is in particular due to the role he played as head of the Icelandic Central Bank in the 2008 financial crisis, the media workup is still ongoing, viewed critically.

The Morgunblaðið continues the use of 1974 officially abolished in the Icelandic alphabet letter Z.
