MOS Burger

MOS Burger (Japaneseモスバーガーmosu Baga, the company logo is, however, written in Latin script ) is a Japanese fast-food chain. The name MOS is an acronym of the words mountain (mountain ), ocean (sea ) and sun ( sun).

Branches, there are mainly in Japan, but also in eastern China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan and Hawaii.

MOS Burger offers a variety of burgers, including so-called " Rice burger" (actually sandwiches from rice dough ). The best-selling hamburger from MOS Burger is the "Chili Burger ".

In contrast to the great American fast food chains, the food is not kept hot at MOS Burger in stock. This results in a longer waiting time for customers. Also priced to MOS Burger is slightly different from its competitors, mainly because no special offer campaigns are conducted.
