Mosen, Lucerne

Mosen is a village in the municipality Hitzkirch in office high village of the canton of Lucerne in Switzerland.

Until December 31, 2008 Mosen was a municipality, as of 1 January 2009, the municipalities Hitzkirch, Gelfingen, Hämikon, Mosen, Müswangen, Retschwil and Sulz merged to form the new municipality Hitzkirch.


Mosen is located at the southern end of Lake Hallwil east of Erlosen in the valley and consists of the village and the south of it lying hamlet Fülimatt. Along the former municipality of Altwiserbach and Aabach open into the Hallwilersee.

From the former municipality area of 173 ha land area is 158. Of this area, 70.9 % is used for agriculture. Covered by forest and wood are 15.2% and 11.4 % of the area is built-up area.

Neighboring communities

Mosen borders the municipalities of Aesch LU, Altwis, Ermensee and Beromunster.



As a result of migration from rural to industrial centers the population decreased by Mosen 1850-1910 massively ( 1850-1910: -24.4 %). This was followed up to 1941 up and down in the 1940s began a new population exodus one, which lasted until 1980 ( 1941-1980: -26.9 %). The year 1980 was the year with the lowest population level. Since the 1980s, there was a large population growth, which led to a doubling of the population ( 1980 to 2004: 100.7 %).


The population used as everyday language, a high- Alemannic dialect. At the last census in 2000 gave 90.16 % German, 2.76% and 1.97 % Albanian Turkish as their primary language.

Religions - faiths

Previously, all the inhabitants were members of the Roman Catholic Church. By leaving the church and immigration from other regions in Switzerland and abroad, this has changed. Today ( as of 2000) looks the religious composition as follows. There are 66.93 % Roman Catholic, 19.29 % Protestant Reformed and 1.97% Orthodox Christians. In addition, one finds 5.51 % Muslim and 4.33% non-religious. Among Muslims, there are people of Albanian and Turkish origin.

Origin - Nationality

Of the 276 residents end of 2006, 264 Swiss and 12 ( = 4.3%) foreigners. At the last census, 86.61 % were (including dual citizens 90,16 % ) Swiss nationals. The immigrant groups come from Serbia and Montenegro ( Albanians ), Turkey, Portugal and Sri Lanka.


Mosen is on the railway line Luzern- Lenzburg and has its own stop.

The road leads through Lenzburg Lucerne Mosen. The nearest motorway connections are Sursee on the A2, 16 km Lenzburg on the A1 only 20 km away.


Mosen was 1045 for the first time. Than Moseheim in a protective charter of King Henry III mentioned in the Canons Beromunster. By 1300 it was owned by the Habsburgs and belonged to the Official Richensee. In 1415, the Berne and Lucerne conquered the Aargau, in which the office was Richensee. It was part of the free offices for which it was until 1803 belonged. By Gebietsumteilung it came to Canton of Lucerne and the Office high village was allocated.
