
Mossoró on the map of Rio Grande do Norte

Mossoró is a Brazilian city in the northeastern state of Rio Grande do Norte with 241 645 inhabitants ( 2008) to 2110 km ².

The city, with 27 districts, bairros, located between the coast and the river Sertão Apodi. Mossoró is 270 kilometers equidistant from the state capital of Natal and Fortaleza. Important are the sea salt production and cement production and especially Mossoró is a center of domestic oil production and processing.

The city is home to three universities.

Mossoró overflown directly with most transatlantic flights between Europe and South America by passenger aircraft as first and last city on Brazilian soil. Mossoró has a rotating beacon for aircraft navigation.

Important for Brazilians is the Robin Hood figure of Cangaceiro Virgulino Ferreira da Silva, known as " Lampeão ". He had besieged and attacked the city Mossoró in 1927.

Sons and daughters of the town

  • Oto Agripino Maia ( born 1943 ), diplomat

Diocese Mossoró

  • Diocese Mossoró