Mount Sabyinyo

Sabinyo by the Rwandan south side

The Sabinyo (also Sabyinyo, Sabinio ) is an extinct volcano on the eastern end of the Virunga volcano chain. The mountain is located in the border triangle between Rwanda, Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo. On the Rwandan side of the Volcanoes National Park stretches on the Congolese side of the Virunga National Park and on the Ugandan side of the Mgahinga Gorilla National Park.

The three national parks are known for living in this mountain gorillas. On the slopes of Sabinyo lives a family of gorillas, which was particularly well used to tourists and guided to the regular small groups of visitors. She is named after her mountain " Sabinyo " and is led by the about 35 -year-old Guhonda. He is considered the greatest living silverback among the mountain gorillas.
