Mount Zion

Mount Zion Mount Zion or (Hebrew הר צִיּוֹן Har Zijon; Arabic جبل صهيون, DMG Ǧabal Ṣuhyūn, English "Mount Zion " ) is a hill in Jerusalem is south-west of the old city wall.

The name refers to the Zion, which, then the city of David, who conquered this castle around 1000 BC, since the time of Solomon the Temple Mount and from there originally denoted a tower stronghold of the Jebusites, the whole temple city of Jerusalem. He was transferred to another Jerusalem hills and remained for it, since it was thought there since the Middle Ages, the Davidic city of antiquity.

Today's Mount Zion is therefore not identical with the biblical site of Zion and the Temple Mount. Are the Dormition Abbey, David grave, the Catholic cemetery with the grave of Oskar Schindler, the Essene Gate and other historical sites on it.
