Mountain Bluebird

Mountain Bluebird (Sialia currucoides )

The Mountain Bluebird (Sialia currucoides ) is a medium-sized songbird of the thrush family.


The 18 cm long mountain Bluebird has a narrow beak and long pointed wings. The male is colored sky blue, light blue with white chest and belly; the female is gray with blue areas on wings, tail, fuselage and a white belly.


The Mountain Bluebird lives in the summer pastures and mountain regions in more than 1500 meters above sea level in western North America and draws for the winter to the lowlands or to Mexico.


The Mountain Bluebird feeds on insects, which it catches in Rüttelflug or from a residence dating or pecks the ground. In addition, small fruits supplement the diet. In winter the birds go in groups in search of food.


The female builds in nest boxes or natural cavities, such as trees, a loose cup nest of plant material. The nest consists of four to eight eggs.


The Mountain Bluebird is the state bird of Idaho and Nevada.
