Movement for Democratic Change – Tsvangirai

The Movement for Democratic Change (MDC, German Movement for Democratic Change or Movement for Democratic Change ) is a party in Zimbabwe.

Political positions

It was founded in 1999 and has its roots in the trade union movement in the country. But other numerous civil society groups, such as the Combined Harare Residents Association, are among the members and supporters of the party.

The MDC is also supported by the majority of white landowners in Zimbabwe, against Mugabe's ruling ZANU -PF in connection with an intended major land reform a campaign of intimidation had started. Both these farmers and the MDC were persecuted by the youth groups of the ZANU -PF.

In a police operation in late May 2007 200 opposition activists were arrested, many of whom wanted to attend a meeting on the topics of AIDS and elections in Zimbabwe.

In the parliamentary elections in 2000, the MDC won 57 seats out of 120. First time in years it was thus an opposition party in Zimbabwe has managed to win more than a handful of seats.

The MDC became the world's first wide attention when its leader Morgan Tsvangirai ran against longtime incumbent and former freedom fighter Robert Mugabe in the presidential elections of 2002 and lost. Mugabe, however, was accused of having manipulated the elections to increase his re-election chances. In addition, Morgan Tsvangirai was accused of treason. He was accused of plotting to assassinate Mugabe.

In the wake of the parliamentary elections in March 2008, the MDC won 100 of 210 seats. On the ZANU -PF accounted for only 98 seats. In August 2008, also the MDC candidate Lovemore Moyo with 110 to 98 votes was elected as Speaker of Parliament.

Since 2009, rules the MDC together with ZANU -PF. In this case, the MDC, Morgan Tsvangirai, the prime minister, while Robert Mugabe is still president of Zimbabwe. It was elaborated a common draft Constitution, which was adopted on March 16, 2013 by election by the people.
