Mozilla Open Badges

Open Badges is a system of digital certificates or learning badges, which was jointly developed by the Mozilla Foundation and the MacArthur Foundation. Traditionally, participation in training, taking examinations or in general the presence of certain skills or knowledge with certificates ( see, eg, list of IT certificates) or certificates of attendance will be occupied. With Open Badges such confirmation and evidence to get a digital character. These badges (English for badges, badge, identification ), a user should be able to tell at a central point, what he has learned or what skills he has - regardless of where the badges were acquired. Exhibiting it, virtually any organization or individual. Increasingly, digital badges in education ( schools, universities) are used.

All Open Badges based on a common standard and can build on each other, regardless of whether they are issued by the same organization or different institutions. In addition, the users and users can collect badges learning with the Open Badges Backpack and show at any point in the network. The used for Open Badges software is open source.

Technically Open Badges are implemented via a PNG image file in which the acquired knowledge, skills, etc. are stored as metadata in the optional data blocks, called chunks (English for data block ).

, Use the Open Systems Badges

The learning management system Moodle since version 2.5 supports Open Badges. They are referred to there as " Awards ". The ePortfolio system Mahara binds Open Badges been using a plugin. Also, based on the Moodle learning management system Totara since version 2.4 offers an Open Badges integration.

Creating Open Badges

Tools facilitate designing and producing badges. In the design of the badges design guidelines should be followed.
