Mu Cephei

Garnet Star is the name of the star μ Cephei in the constellation Cepheus.

The term " Garnet Star " comes from William Herschel, since μ Cephei appears due to its spectral type M2 garnet. μ Cephei is a semi- regular variable star and was the prototype of the class is no longer used the My Cephei stars. My Cephei is assigned to the SRc stars today and its apparent visual magnitude varies between 3.7 and 5.0 might like with periods of 850 and 4400 days.

The Garnet Star is powered by two relatively faint companions orbiting over which little is known. With each apparent magnitude of 12.3 may, or 12.7 like they are visible only by telescope. μ Cephei B of spectral type M0 has been assigned; Further details in relation to mass, luminosity and radius are still very uncertain and only based on estimates and results from simulations.
