Muhammad Mosque (Baku)

The Mohammed Mosque in Baku is an Islamic house of worship, which was built in the years 1078/79. The architect was Muhammed ibn Abubekr. The building, which also includes the Synyk - kala - minaret belongs, is the oldest building of its kind in Azerbaijan.

Construction of the minaret

The Synyk - kala - minaret was built in the style of northern Azerbaijan, but kept simple. The brick building tapers upwards and has few decorative elements at bay. The bay, which is bounded by a stone balustrade formed of a six -pointed star, is supported by a hanging stalactite. Below which a verse from the Koran in Kufic letters pulls around the minaret.

The minaret has little resemblance to the rich ornate minarets built later and was probably in use until the 13th century as a watchtower.
