Muhammad Noer

Raden Panji Muhammad Noer ( born January 13, 1918 in Beler Hamlet, Rong Tengah, administrative region Sampang, East Java province, Indonesia, † April 16, 2010 in Surabaya, Jawa Timur Province) was an Indonesian politician.


Noer was initially 1950 Vice Regent of the governmental district Bangkalan in the province of East Java. In this capacity, he designed plans for the construction of a bridge between Java and the island of Madura. Nearly sixty years after his designs ( Jembatan Suramadu ) is connected to the island of Java in June 2009 Madura on the Suramadu bridge.

Between 1967 and 1976 he was governor of the province of East Java. Following Noer was then from 1976 to 1980 Ambassador to France.

Most recently, he was from 1990 to 1994 Member of the Commission of the television station SCTV ( Surya Citra Televisi ).
