Muhammed XIII, Sultan of Granada

Muhammad XIII. Abu Abd Allah ' az- Zagal " (Arabic: , the Brave '; Spanish El Zagal also ) ( † 1494 in Tlemcen? ), Was from 1485 to 1486 one of the last Moorish emirs of Granada.

He was the son of the Emir Said and brother of Abu l -Hasan Ali, whose governor in Málaga, he was and he fought back after taking office in 1464 initially. Later he fought in the civil war of Granada at the Abu l -Hasan Ali's side after this in 1482 by his son Muhammad XII. " Boabdil " had been overthrown from the throne. Abu l -Hasan attained in 1483 after the capture of Boabdil by the Catholic Monarchs to the throne, but was, serious health issues, beat after a stroke, overthrown 1485 by az- Zagal. This was but already in the following year for his part of Muhammad XII. overthrown. 1489 joined al- Zagal in the service of the Catholic Monarchs. 1491 he went to Africa, where he was imprisoned by the Sultan of Fez, a friend of Muhammad XII. , Who ordered to be blinded him. The continued internal strife in the dynasty of the Nasrid were among the reasons for the weakening and the decline of Muslim rule in Spain, which in the transfer of the Alhambra by Muhammad XII. 1492 to the Catholic Monarchs its final point found.

