Multi-level governance

The concept of multi-level system comes from the systems theory of the 1960s and 1970s and was an early application in the analysis of technical systems. Meanwhile, he is mainly used in social science disciplines, in particular in political science. Multi-level system (English multi-level governance ) where it describes the complex of relationships of various horizontal and vertical policy-making structures, as is to be found in some modern political systems.

In contrast to the classical forms of state organization such as the federal state or the unitary centralized state it is in a multilevel system is no longer possible to make a clear demarcation of responsibilities and make a hierarchical structuring of the whole. Multi-level systems are characterized by a more or less pronounced political integration. An example of a multi-level system with relatively weak political integration between the levels is the U.S. political system; however, the policy integration is strong in the multi-level system of federalism in Germany and in the European Union. Even social subsystems, such as the education system, are analyzed as " multi-level systems ".

Example European Union

The clearest leaves the concept of multi-level system probably in the political structure of the European Union represent. Because of the complexities, historically, building upon numerous treaties organizational structure in addition to the dynamic development of European integration, in particular a complex network of relations of different political levels reflects.

European decisions are ( local) taken either in supranational institutional structure of the EU, national or subnational or implemented administratively. As should be categorized either as a classical state characterize, nor in the type of the Federal States, the EU, we therefore used here makes sense to the concept of multi-level system sui generis. In German law, the term of the composite states has been established.
