Multilateral Interoperability Programme

The Multilateral Interoperability Programme (MIP ) is a 1998 created, multilateral interoperability program with the aim to define a common interface that ensures the exchange of information between management information systems of participating in the program countries and organizations. The use of this interface is possible through all levels of management, a technical limitation by MIP does not exist.


Since its inception, MIP has developed as a major standard for the military information exchange. The currently available MIP baseline 3 ( BL3 ) based on operational requirements for a " joint " data exchange, " Plans and Orders" and a much simplified data exchange mechanism (DEM ) compared to MIP BL2. The useful life of the MIP BL3 is at least 4 years ( in-service period 4 Plus). The MIP Baseline version 3.x improvements are provided as incremental " service pack " for the MIP BL3 solution.

Core element of the MIP solution is the joint NATO exchange data model JC3IEDM (Joint C3 ( Command, Control and Consultation ) Information Exchange Data Model), which specifies the information space. For the information exchange between the systems, the user has two methods are available:

  • DEM data exchange mechanism based on a database replication works and
  • MEM of message exchange mechanism which is similar to a standard e- mail application.

Participating nations and organizations

Currently, the following 29 nations and organizations are involved in the MIP:


The Multilateral Interoperability Programme MIP was 2008 by the American "Institute for Defense and Government Advancement " ( IDGA ) awarded as winner in the category "Outstanding NCW Program from a Coalition Partner" with the " Network Centric Warfare Award". Thus the importance of MIP for interoperability is underlined.
