Mush (cornmeal)

Hominy is the overarching term for any of maize meal or maize flour slurry prepared. For the different types of maize porridge has the following designations:

  • Polenta (Italy )
  • Mămăligă (Romania ) \ Paluckes ( Transylvania)
  • Ugali (East Africa)
  • Nshima ( in south-eastern Africa)
  • Mealie pap (South Africa and Namibia)

Apart from these kinds of stronger hominy corn porridge, there are also more fluid as the Uji (pronounced vowels as in English, "j " as in English, emphasis on the long "U") in East Africa. We just use more water used in the preparation. In East Africa, ugali is eaten rather salty side dishes for lunch or dinner, while Uji is eaten sweetened especially for breakfast.

  • Supplement