Music Hall

Music halls in the broader sense of entertainment venues were in London ( since about 1850) and Paris, sometimes dancing with the opportunity (since the liberalization of the theater Laws 1867) until the 1930s, which combined with the restaurant or bar offering their audience a show on stage.


The Music Hall emerged from the London saloon bars or the Parisian cafés chantants or cafes -concerts and could develop only when the actual theaters privileges for stage events were withdrawn. This was already in London with the Theatre Regulation Act 1843 ( see patent Theatre ) the case. In Paris, the theater freedom that had already existed in the years after the French Revolution, was introduced by an imperial decree of 1864 again. The Germanized, used primarily in Vienna term for Music Hall was music hall.

In a narrower sense Music Hall called the entertainment program that took place there (a kind of vaudeville or revue with musical and acrobatic ), and it means about the same as in the American Vaudeville. Music Hall may be more of a Circus or more a concert the same.

The modern French chanson has emerged from the Music Hall ( Mistinguett, Maurice Chevalier ). One of the most famous surviving music halls is the Paris Olympia. In London, the impresario Fred Karno employed the comedian Stan Laurel and Charlie Chaplin in his Music Hall before they were dedicated to the film.

The movie theater, in the 1920s significantly increased, contributed significantly to the decline of the music halls. The majority was later than closed in the 1960s. Mainly in London but there are efforts to renovate the remaining buildings and return them to their original purpose.

Other meanings

The term " Hall " can also refer to the specific size of a concert location related such as Radio City Music Hall in New York City. - As a music style Music Hall used to describe a catchy melody between folk song and pop. A classic music-hall song is the marching song It's a Long Way to Tipperary (1914 ).

As a name for concert venues and clubs the term Music Hall became popular again since the 1970s, as shown by the Aladin Music Hall in Bremen or the Jovel Music Hall in Münster.
