Mustinka River

Must straightened section of the Inca River in Traverse County

The Must Inca River is a tributary of Lake Traverse. With a length of 109 km, this river is located in the western part of the U.S. state of Minnesota. About the Lake Traverse, the Bois de Sioux River, the Red River of the North, Lake Winnipeg and the Nelson River, the river is part of the watershed of Hudson Bay and drains an area of 2354 km ².


The Must Inca River rises about 8 km south- southwest of Fergus Falls in the southwest of Otter Tail County and initially runs southward into the Grant County and flows through the Stony Brook Lake and Lightning Lake. Then the river turns west and flows to Norcross in the past Traverse County. There Must the Inca swings behind Wheaton south and flows 11 km south of Wheaton in the Lake Traverse. A large part of the lower reaches have been straightened and channelized.
