
Muttapan is a Hindu deity, who is mainly worshiped by under privileged castes in North Kerala, although many Hindus in South India pilgrimages take to participate in the Teyyam rituals and, now, other box worship this God.

Muttapan is revered in Teyyam rituals, in which worn costumes and sang and danced to invoke Muttapan. Muttapan is now identified as a result of Sanskritisierungsprozesses, with Shiva and Vishnu, as it is a double deity Valiya Muttapan and Cheriya Muttapan. Muttapan considered simultaneously as an incarnation of Shiva and Vishnu.

Muttapans main task is to protect Adivasi and low box in front of the höherkastigen landowners.
