Mutton Bird Island

Mutton Bird Iceland is an island off the southwest coast of Tasmania. It is the largest of the Tasmanian Mutton Bird Islands whose namesake. The name is derived from the English name of the shearwaters (English: mutton bird) from.

The island is uninhabited and has an area of 44 hectares and its highest point at 40 meters above sea level. It belongs to the South West National Park and is therefore part of the Tasmanian wilderness, which was classified in 1982 as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. BirdLife International declared the island an important breeding ground for sea birds. In 2002, brooded on the Mutton Bird Island 530,000 pairs of short-tailed shearwaters, 3,000 pairs of Little Penguins, 2,500 pairs Feensturmvögel as well as a smaller number of Thick-billed gull, silver gull head and carbon black oystercatchers. Also, various skinks occur on the island.
