Mycelial cord

Rhizomorphs - Singular: the rhizomorph - are thickened Myzelstränge of some stand mushrooms, which are composed of outer and inner hyphae. The outer layer is usually much wandverdickt, pigmented and sclerotized. The rhizomorphs not only look similar to the roots of plants, they also serve as this mass transfer. Rhizomorphs they serve to open up new sources of substrate, but they can also serve the mass transport into fruiting bodies at more distant locations. Rhizomorphs are known by Halli mesh ( Armillaria species) that form with these not only a mycorrhiza but also penetrate the root system of host trees.

Rhizomorph differ in their construction of the Myzelsträngen as they tear at the ends dry rot ( Serpula Lacrymans ) occur, the latter can even gemörtelte brick walls and other masonry penetrate.

  • Morphology (fungus)