
The myrosinase (also Sinigrinase or thioglucosidase ) ( sinapi = mustard gr myron = ointment, ointment, balm and gr ) is an enzyme of plant origin, the glucosinolates in glucose (dextrose ) and an isothiocyanate splits. In order to defend the plant against predators because isothiocyanates are generally sharp smell or taste. The Senfölglykosid thus represents the safe storage form this aggressive substance

Myrosinase is found mainly in cruciferous plants ( Brassicaceae ), such as in mustard and radish and capers in plants ( Capparaceae ) as the caper, which are distinguished because of the glucosinolates occurring in them by a sharp taste. In case of violation of the plants, this enzyme is preferentially allocated or activated. This serves to deter the enemy by feeding the mustard oils formed, pungent, volatile (such as allyl and secondary butyl and Benzylsenföle ) or non-volatile odorless mustard oils of spicy flavor.
