Myxedema coma

The Myxoedema coma is the most severe and life-threatening progressive form of hypothyroidism, which can be caused by various triggers such as, inter alia, infection, surgery or trauma, certain medications, exposure to extreme cold in non-treated patients. It is very rare these days in areas of basic medical care.


The symptoms are this:

  • Hypothermia ( rectal temperature partially not measurable )
  • Hypoventilation with hypoxia / hypercapnia
  • Bradycardia and hypotension
  • Myxedematous appearance ( this however does not present itself in all cases)


The treatment consists mainly in intravenous administration of high doses of thyroid hormones (eg, levothyroxine ), corticosteroids and glucose regulation of electrolyte and water balance, the reheating (eg, using conventional ceilings).
