
Nabil -i -Akbar (Persian نبيل الأكبر, born March 29, 1829 in Naw- Firist, Iran, † July 6, 1892 in Bukhara, Uzbekistan ) was an Iranian Baha'i. Abdu'l-Baha referred to him as a Hand of the Cause of God, Shoghi Effendi appointed him as an apostle of Bahá'u'lláh.


Aqa Muhammad- i- Qa'iní, which is also the name Fadil -i - Qá'ini ( the scholar of Qá'in ) was known, was later given the name of Baha'u'llah Nabil -i - Akbar. He was born in the village of Naw- Firist near Birjand.

He completed his religious education at well-known clergymen in Mashhad off, then spent five years studying philosophy in the city of Sabzevar in Khorasan Razavi and started in 1852 on the way to the holy shrines of Najaf and Karbala in today's Iraq to finish his education. When he arrived on the way to Tehran, he was arrested as a follower of the Bab. Although his innocence could be proved and he was released, he was completely under the influence of events and decided to bring in more experience about it.

Later, a follower of the Bab asked him to comment on some writings of the Bab. Soon thereafter, that is, approximately in 1853, Nabil -i -Akbar himself was a follower of the Bab. In Iraq, Nabil -i -Akbar was the student of mujtahids. As the sole of his students Nabil -i -Akbar was raised to the rank of mujtahids. On the way back from the shrines he visited in 1859 in Baghdad, Baha'u'llah, who had then not yet been explained. Nabil -i -Akbar acknowledged but still the rank of Baha'u'llah. After returning Nabil -i - Akbar by Qá'in he taught the Bahai faith with such fervor that many people declared there and excited the jealousy of the clergy. He was taken prisoner several times and had to flee several times.

1874 Baha'u'llah Nabil -i -Akbar asked to come to Acre. In his honor, Baha'u'llah revealed during this pilgrimage the " panel of Wisdom" (included in the messages from Akka ). Baha'u'llah instructed him after the pilgrimage to return to Persia to teach the Faith. In Sabzevar he was arrested, but then got permission to leave the city and go to Ashgabat. From there he traveled with Mirza Abu'l- Fadl to Bukhara, where Nabil -i -Akbar in 1892, died and was buried. Some years later, the remains of Nabil -i - Akbar were transferred to Ashgabat on Abdu'l Baha's statement.
