
Naikan (Japanese内 観) is a native of Japan path that will lead to self-knowledge. The meaning of the word is derived from nai - Interior and kan - look. Basis is a silent and intense contemplation of one's own life story.


The method of Naikan wants to be meditative and psychologically effective and free from religious or psychological content simultaneously. Naikan is based on the idea that people have created their personality and vision of the world itself, and therefore many of their blockages and conflicts. Naikan should provide a way to his own past, and other people to see themselves in a new light.

Naikan has not, change the personality of the goal. There are Naikan no therapist, no interpretations, no comments, and there are no dialogues nor group processes instead. Everything is practiced, is a new perception that will dissolve old blockages and patterns of relationships.

Questions are internally answered in silence. It begins with the mother for each successive phases of life of about five years. Hereby, the whole life is considered with the mother, from birth until the last reminder.

This is repeated with all the major caregivers. The Naikan ladder comes at regular intervals for practitioners and accompanied with this type of self-observation. Should be reminded only actual events - all opinions, ratings and interpretations are left aside. The questions may sound simple, but they are deep run into the inner world of adventure and develop gradually their effect.

In Naikan not have the problems to be considered, but it is trying to invent solutions. These should be to look at the experience differently, and to have a healing effect and fulfilling the psychological and spiritual sense.

At the beginning there is a special, intensive reconciliation with the parents and other loved ones. The Naikan experience expands to relations with people and things of everyday life. The perception of the world is changing.

In Naikan the findings solely from the power of self- observation and attention to grow. Here, new insights from self to adjust without having to learn something. The three questions of Naikan:

It goes in the

There is evidence of increased family problems, in particular an involvement of the participant with the fates of family members, this should first be cleared with a family therapist. Often a family constellation is useful before starting Naikan.

The first Naikan center in Europe was founded by Franz Ritter in Lower Austria. The first German Naikan center was founded by Gerald Steinke in Tarmstedt near Bremen.
