Nail file

A nail file is a tool for shortening and rounding and polishing the nails. However, unlike a craft file is fine and usually less than 10 cm. There are metal nail files and coated with sandpaper wood putty and models of glass and ceramics.

The technical specifications of the grinding surface of glass nail files is that the abrasive grains are not mechanically applied rasp body, but dust- fine pores are etched into the tempered glass, so that the grinding surface will remain a part of the glass substrate and can not solve it. A disadvantage of glass nail files over conventional metal files is that they vibrate more when trimming nails than a metal file.

Polishing Files with very fine grain that is deposited on a flexible pillow-like surface, giving the nail surface shine by balancing grooves or discoloration fine, but should only be used again if the finger nail has regenerated.

The fineness of nail files is specified in Grit. The higher the value, the lower the grinding efficiency. When shortening and shapes depending come from the strength of the nail files with 80 to 120 grit and in the further steps finer specimens used. Polishing Files for nail surface are characterized by 900-12000 grit. Manicurists advise against metal nail files, as they heat up due to friction and, therefore, do not seal the nail, making it vulnerable to damage.
