Naki language

Spoken in

Niger - Congo

  • Atlantic - Congo Benue - Congo Bantoide languages Südbantoide languages Ostbeboide languages

Mff (Cameroon) buz ( Bukwen ) jms ( ma )

The language Naki, or Munkaf, is a ostbeboide language of Cameroon and Nigeria.

There is no generally accepted name for this language; it is now in the spoken language in the village, including Naki and Mekaf ( Munkaf ) in Cameroon and machinery in Nigeria, where the dialect machine is sometimes considered as own language.


  • Blench, Roger, 2011. 'The membership and internal structure of Bantoid and the border with Bantu '. Bantu IV, Humboldt University, Berlin.
  • Beboid languages
  • Single language