Namfau language

Spoken in

  • Sino Tibetan languages Tibetobirmanisch Mizo - Kuki -Chin North Mizo - Kuki -Chin anal

Anal is one of 23,000 people in the Naga ethnic group in India and Myanmar spoken Sino Tibetan language.


Anal is spoken in the Indian state of Manipur, in the Sagaing Division of Myanmar and possibly in Bangladesh. Of the estimated 23,000 native speakers live according to Indian census, 13,900 in India. The UNESCO classified Anal as " potentially endangered " language.


Anal is a SOV language and is written with the Latin alphabet. 74 % of speakers in India are literate. Anal, the dialects Mulsom, Laizo, Lai, Hakha Lai, and Zahao. The most similar language is Lamkang.
