Namık Kemal Yolga

Namik Kemal Yolga (* 1914, † 2001) was a Turkish diplomat and statesman, known as the Turkish Schindler. During the Second World War Yolga was the Vice-Consul at the Turkish embassy in Paris. His efforts to save the lives of Turkish Jews in the concentration camps earned him the title of Turkish Schindler.


Namik Kemal Yolga 1940 was appointed Vice Consul of the Turkish Embassy in Paris, his first diplomatic post abroad. Two months later conquered the German Empire France and began the deportation of the Jews. They were taken over the transit camp Drancy near Paris in the concentration and extermination camps in the East. Yolga freed the Turkish Jews from the hands of the Nazi authorities and took her in his car to safe places. With the exception of a person who was later taken to a concentration camp in Germany, Yolgas action led to the rescue of all Turkish Jews.

Namik Kemal Yolga served as ambassador to Rome, Paris, Caracas, Tehran, Moscow, and as Secretary General of the Turkish Foreign Ministry.
